
Backup Cloud is a simple, effective and reliable data backup solution. Implementing at a dedicated virtual server by our professional experts, it helps back up and recover your critical data in the event of unexpected hardware failure, file corruption or accidental deletion. It provides a simple solution for backing up Windows or Linux-based desktops, laptops or servers, both physical and virtual.


Fully Encrypted

Save a copy in cloud data center

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File-level Recovery

Never lost a file

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Real-time Backups

Real time backup

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Customizable backup scheduling

Perform manual or automatic backups according to the
desired schedule and frequency – monthly, weekly, daily,
hourly, or even every 10 minutes.

Reliable platform you can trust

Backup Cloud protects more than 20 platforms and incorporates the backup industry’s most advanced anti-ransomware technology, safeguarding data and systems in any environment – physical or virtualized, on-premises or in the cloud. As a turnkey SaaS-based solution, it is as seamless to deploy as it is to manage and does not add complexity to any IT infrastructure – having almost no impact on system performance.

Features Highlights

Multiple backup types

Back up disks/volumes (with all information required for the operating system to boot), individual files or folders, system state (for Microsoft Windows systems), or ESXi configuration.

Complete protection for 20+ platforms

Streamline your data protection efforts using just one solution with support for Windows and Linux servers and VMs, six major hypervisors, PCs, Macs, iOS and Android mobile devices, Microsoft on-premises apps, Office 365, and websites.

Military-grade encryption

Maintain regulatory compliance by protecting your backups with AES-256 data encryption in transit and at rest, so only you can access the data.

Instantly restore your systems

Start any Windows or Linux system (physical or virtual) directly from the backup storage on your existing Microsoft Hyper-V or
VMware vSphere ESXi host – without moving data.

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