
A business communications service embracing voice, video and fixed-mobile convergence capability with distinctive communications features.

Seamless calls transition

Talk on mobile, though desktop telephone

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Same number - Desk or Mobile

Same number, Different Devices

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.

Goodbye to phone cords

No telephone line required

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Mobile App associating with your desktop phone

Business identity is the face of every enterprise. Cisco Jabber is a powerful mobile app that allows calls to be made and received on a unified business number via mobile phone, offering superior convenience to users with multiple mobile devices. The featured app allows simultaneous ringing to multiple devices, so users never miss the call of a business opportunity. The Single Number Reach feature enables connected calls to be swapped seamlessly from a business desk phone to a mobile phone, and vice versa.

Travel overseas, call with local number

While you are on holiday, your clients can’t tell from their Caller ID when you make calls to them or receive calls from them, because your office desk phone number goes with you. Your privacy and hence self-time is retained!


Features Highlights

No Upfront Investment

Reduce investment for telephone systems (PABX and Keyline) and phones.

No Maintenance Costs

One monthly fee includes all maintenance charges within the contract period.

Scale On-demand

Highly flexible system adds new extensions as needed within a short period of time.

One Phone Group for All Locations

Treat all branch offices and staff home as one phone group for easier management.

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